Saturday, April 11, 2009

Genetic Engineering and Virus Batteries

Scientists are doing all kinds of things with the new tools of genetic engineering. The ability to chenge the genetic code, to make an organism tht does what you want it to do, is no longer science fiction. And since biological organisms have been trying different things for billions of years, they have figured out some very efficient ways to get some things done.

This video about creating viruses to make batteries shows a new approach to the energy problem. Additional information is available at this site.

For this project you should watch the video. Then you need to find and point to a link that discusses one of the following aspects:

DNA analysis
Genetic engineering
Should we be messing with viruses? Isn't this dangerous?

Then, discuss in at least 6 sentences, the information covered in the site you have selected.

This extra credit project is due by midnight Friday, 4/17. Instead of 12 points, this project is worth 15 points, for a 150% HW/Quiz grade.


  1. Dr.Bein, I could not watch the video so I went to the other information site.

    Genetic AnalysisGenetic Analysis-the study of a sample of DNA to look for mutations (changes) that may increase the risk of disease or the way a person responds to treatment.

    In the link that I found, DNA analysis can be associated with the study of skin cancer and how more individualized treatments may be developed. According to the article, melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. the spread of melanoma is becoming more wide spread not only in the United States but is also being found in other places around the world. The main reason for this is thought to be the ultra-violet rays from sun exposure. The ultra-violet rays in the sun can damage DNA which can cause genetic changes in skin cells. The article states that the Nation Institute of health (NIH) researchers have identified a gene that suppresses tumour growth in melanoma. I think it is very important not only for the study of melanoma but other types of cancer as well. If researchers can find a way to change cell growth patterns, then perhaps they can change the duplication of "bad" cells which promote cancer growth into "good" cells which perhaps in the not so distant future can wipe out cancer all together.

    AT Yellow

  2. Here :]The following link is about the study of Mice with Human Antibodies. The article is rather interesting.
    Scientists took some antibodies from a mother who has had autistic children, and injected them into a pregnant mouse.
    Although Mice arent exactally like humans, it was
    a good experiment.
    The mice who were injected with the autistic antibody acted similar to the way humans act with autism.
    Autism is due to a range of brain problems which causes them to have social, communication, and repetitive problems.
    I thought it was interesting how the did this search on mice, due to how different we are.
    It was cool how the mice acted however.
    I personally don't think they should be studying in mice.
    It's cruel to them.


  3. Click HereThe article i found shows many examples of things that genetic engineering deals with. It also shows the pros and cons of using the certain techniques. Faster breeding is a pro because you can grow more plants. Crop diversity will make disease issues less of a problem too.More nutrients in foods is also an advancement. But the cons are soil erosion, allergies, and certain resistant weeds. this topic is a controversial one and will be for a long time.

    JS green
