Hottest (click on #1)
oldest living
most dangerous animal
For this project you should find an article about some physical extreme, limit or exploration that you find interesting, link to that article and write a well constructed(5 sentence minimum) paragraph about it. Do not use an encyclopedia resource, instead find the people that were doing the research or a news article about them.
Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Tuesday, 5/18. Remember that you need to do either this or the next project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit.
Spelling counts. Please do your project in a word processor and then cut and paste it into the comment box. Sloppy work really doesn't save you time, and it there are glaring spelling errors you will lose credit.
If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at Please tell me exactly what your problem was including any error messages.
Polar Bears are one of the most dangerous animals on earth; they eat young walruses beluga whales and may have eaten a human or two. And when they move one of there paws it could take your head right off. The thing that makes them deadly is from being to hunger.
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Hurricanes are one of the most severe examples of weather conditions. They increase temperature and is reflecting global warming they also increase the wind shear in the tropical Atlantic. It also causes the walker circulation. And a decrease of wind shear in the western and central pacific.
While reading this article I found it to be very interesting. Based on what it said, they say that the polar bear is the most dangerous animal in the world. They are the largest carnivores on land. If they were to take one swipe at you with their paws they would most likley take your head or any other body part that was in their way off! Another insect on the list were killer bees. I found this to be interesting because I never knew that they were the result of science expierement gone wrong. They wanted a new species of honey bees but some escaped and started mating. They travel in packs and will chase a person up to 1000 feet which is why they are deadly.
The article that I read was about how the densest matter has been created. I thought that this was intersesting because scientists from the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, US, were able to smash together gold nuclei moving at near-light speed. I find this intersesting because of the speed they reached to complete this and because this has a density that is 20 times higher than when debris has collided in space. According to the article, temperatures in the compressed matter topped one trillion degrees. Lastly, according to John Harris a physisist at Yale University, "There is some tantalising evidence I would say, but I think that we need to get some better statistics."
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Sultan Kosen ,the tallest man in the world, had grown up I the Mardin providence of eastern Turkey. When he was 10 years old he was only around 5 feet tall, but within 2 years he exploded in size and by the age of 12 he was the size of a grown man. Then by the age of 15 he was having problems fitting into door ways and then he had a surgery for knee aliments (which is an issue for growing too quickly) and almost spent a year in bed. Doctors eventually found an adnormal growth behind his eyes, which was caused by a tumor, but by the time doctors removed it he was 8 foot 1 inch. In September of 2009 he was taken to a hospital to be measured and then was declared the tallest man in the world.