In the early 1980s, Kary Mullis developed the polymerase chain reaction, an elegant way to make copies of a DNA strand using the enzyme polymerase and some basic DNA "building blocks." The process opened the door to more in-depth study of DNA -- like the Human Genome Project. Mullis shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing this technique.
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For this project you are to view the video and write a paragraph about it. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.
Next you should find any other video on and view it. Finally link to that article and write a well constructed 3 sentence paragraph about your video.
TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader.
Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 3/21. Remember that you need to do either this or the next project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit.
Spelling counts. Please do your project in a word processor and then cut and paste it into the comment box. Sloppy work really doesn't save you time, and it there are glaring spelling errors you will lose credit.
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This was a very interesting video that includes Kary Mullis explaining DNA and our cells. He talks at this convention about different immunities. He states that as you get older, your antibodies begin to run out and he explains that that was on of his motives to develop the polymerase chain reaction, which makes copies of a DNA strand using the enzyme polymerase and some basic DNA "building blocks."
ReplyDeleteAnother video I found from was a video called "The Wireless Future of Medicine." This as well was an interesting video which Eric Topol explains that we will soon use our smartphones to monitor our vital signs and chronic conditions. This method according to Topol will keep more people out of hospital beds. One thing that I thought was interesting about this video was that Topel believes that with smartphones, people will even be able to detect if an individual has breast cancer.
Block 4
Kary Mullis in this video tells about a new kind of way to fight bacteria that are drug-resistant. He says that this molecule called alpha gal epitope which is found on pig heart valves. We have a hard time putting them on us because our body actually starts to eat them because we are immune to them. So he came up with an idea based upon this. He said that what if we could put them on a pathogen that was harmful to our body and it could possible fight it off that way. It would kill the pathogen and get rid of it.
ReplyDeleteThe video I found was extremely interesting. It is all about how technology is going to have an impact on medicine. In the video they were talking about how people will be able to watch and see their cardiogram on their Smartphone. Also they will be able to see their blood pressure, heart rhythm, vital signs, and things like that. Another example of something like this is there is a hand held ultra sound device. You can hold and give an ultra sound at the same time. This is very interesting as to how far we have come with our technology and what we are going to be able to do in the future.
Block 4
In the video he was talking about how the molecule. He is also saying that we can not use a pig heart value because it has a certain type of immunity in it that wont work. It was also talking about how you can stick a DNA aptimer attack to a target that you have and can kill help get ride of it.
ReplyDeleteThe video is talking about Aimee Mullins a runner who had both legs taken off at age 1. She had gotten a full scholarship to George Town. It was for 3 students each year to get involved in International affairs. She had beat the record here first time racing.
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this guy talks about a new way to fight off drug-resistant bacteria. He says that this molecule called alpha gal epitope, which is found on pig heart valves can possibly do this. we are not able to put those molecules in our system bacuase our bodies are immune to them. he has a theory that says if we put them on a harmful pathogen, out immune system would fight off the molecule an possibly get rid of the drug resistant bacteria in the process.
ReplyDeletea video i found on was "the wireless future of medicine". it talks about how people will be able to monitor their health using a smatphone. they will be able to see their heart rhythm, blood pressure, and other things.
This video, provided by, views the presentation of a man who has found a solution to drug-resistant bacteria. In his presentation, he explains how if our immune system had the ability to clamp on to bacteria, they would be able to eat and destroy is better than antibiotics could. He also says how our immune system has the capability of releasing these antibodies to complete this task with the help of injections of certain antibiotics, such as in the experiment he completed with a group of lab mice. All of the mice survived the disease they had been infected with after the injection of the antibody.
ReplyDeleteIn this video,also provided by, Sir Ken Robinson speeches about his belief in education and its destruction of creativity in children. He explains how he believes all children are born with creativity, but it is a matter of whether or not they chose to grow into it or not, and education takes away from their chance to bloom. Also, he claims that education systems around the globe are all the same, whereas mathematics and literacy are at the top of the priorities of schools and humanities and arts are at the bottom, depleting the creativity level brought about in children. A perfect example he gives is of Gillian Lin (spelling?), a famous dancer and the choreographer of Cats and other very successful musical productions. As a child, she had a very hard time concentrating in school. After seeing a doctor, he told her mother that she was simply a dancer. She pursued his idea, and it led her to the multi-million dollar dancer she is today. He said now, they would have put her on “medication and told her to calm down.” This is very true of a modern day version of this situation. I have to agree with Sir Ken Robinson, not only because I am a school student, but also because I believe schools currently around the world need to see the importance of creativity in the development of children.
In this video, chemist Kary Mullis talked about a molecule that the human body likes to eat. He is trying to attach this molecule to bacteria so that the immune system can destroy the bacteria. An example of this idea is attaching this molecule to the bacteria that causes staff infections. Staff infections are very hard to treat with antibiotics, but if this idea works, the body could easily fight off these deadly infections. He tried this on mice that were infected with the anthrax disease and it worked. The anthrax was killed and the mice were fine.
ReplyDeleteI found a video by neuroscientist Jim Fallon that I found interesting. Fallon’s video was on the minds of a psychopathic killers and what caused them to kill. He studied the brains of killers and normal people during his studies. He said that the interaction of genes, biological epigenetic effects, brain damage and environment, along with when things happen in your life affected the brains of the killers.
Damage to the orbital cortex was found in all the killers along with other brain damage. He also found a gene called MAOA that is linked to the X chromosome. Girls have 2 X chromosomes, 1 from their mother and 1 from their father. Since there’s an X chromosome from each parent, the MAOA gene is diluted. But boys only get 1 X chromosome from their mother. That’s why boys are more likely to be killers. He also said that babies exposed to too much serotonin while in the mother’s uterus became immune to the calming effects of the serotonin. These factors, along with a tramatic, violent experience before puberty, is what Fallon believes makes someone a killer.
KS Red-1
Kary Mullis talks about diseases and how to prevent them. He talks about alpha-gal epitope and how if you attach it to bacteria it can prevent diseases. In an experiment he tested this theory on mice with anthrax. When he did this he found that the mice survived for about fifteen days before they died.
ReplyDeleteGary Lauder creates a new traffic sign. Lauder believes that every day stop signs are not doing the trick. He believes that intersections are also dangerous and that they waste gas. Like in Europe he thinks that round about should be used more often. Statistics say that when using round abouts there are less accidents and less gas is used.
ReplyDeleteSorry but this wouldn't work before!
This video explains the cure for infections that kill people for the next generation. Kary Mullis suggests that when you attach alpha-gal epitope to bacteria it eats the bacteria, therefore presentencing the disease from spreading and killing you. The alpha-gal epitope should be attached to a DNA aptamer in order to eat the bacteria.
ReplyDeleteRenny Gleeson talks about texting tricks!http He shows different ways to text like for example “the stretch” or pretending to stretch when your actually texting . He also talks about how every one is texting and how available they are or as he calls it culture availability.
This video explains the cure for infections that kill people for the next generation. Kary Mullis suggests that when you attach alpha-gal epitope to bacteria it eats the bacteria, therefore presentencing the disease from spreading and killing you. The alpha-gal epitope should be attached to a DNA aptamer in order to eat the bacteria.
ReplyDeleteRenny Gleeson talks about texting tricks!http He shows different ways to text like for example “the stretch” or pretending to stretch when your actually texting . He also talks about how every one is texting and how available they are or as he calls it culture availability.
In this video, Kary Mullis talks about a way to fight back against drug resistant bacteria. Alpha gal epitope is a molecule that is found in pig's heart valves, and it is believed to fight back. He explains how that we cannot put the molecule into our system because our immune system fights back against it, but he has a theory that if we put it on a harmful pathogen, then maybe our immune system will attack the pathogen and forget about the molecule. I believe it is great theory.
This video is about how Bonnie Bassler actually figured out how diffferent bacteria can communicate with each other and even evolve into social bacteria communities.
This was a video that has Kary Mullis who talks about DNA and the human cells. He speaks at a convention about different immunities. He says that as we get older, our antibodies begin to deplete and he says that was one of his motives. Developing the polymerase chain reaction, which makes copies of a DNA strand using the enzyme polymerase and some basic DNA "building blocks."
ReplyDeleteA video i found was "Irwin Redlener on surviving a nuclear attack." this video was about how the United States is still at risk for a nuclear attack. He states that 95% of the nuclear weapons during World War II was the U.S.'s.
He also talks about Iran and North Korea, two also potentially dangerous nuclear countries.