Thursday, February 18, 2010

DNA helps show African diversity

In this article, DNA helps show African diversity, there is information about the way scientists can trace ancestry through DNA analysis.

For this project, first you need to read the article. Identify one aspect that you found interesting and write a paragraph describing that

Then find an article about DNA has been used in some scientific endeavor, link to that article and write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. This could be similar to the tracking of genealogy through DNA, mitochondrial or nuclear, DNA in the study of disease, DNA manipulation to alter traits, or any topic related to DNA. Again, paragraphs always should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Want to improve your work? Read the guidelines for effective work and remember that spelling counts. Please do your project in a word processor and then cut and paste it into the comment box. Sloppy work really doesn't save you time, and it there are glaring spelling errors you will lose credit.

Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 2/28. Remember that if you have not done the previous project you need to do this one for credit. You have until 2/21 to complete the previous project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit.

If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at


  1. The article from the Associated Press talks about how DNA show's great diversity between Africa. The testing was done on a guy by the name of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I found one fact to be interesting and that was how scientists found 1.3 million tiny variations that hadn't been observed before in any human DNA during the study. The new find should help scientists sort out whether particular genes promote certain diseases or influence a person's response to medications. Findings like that could have payoffs both within Africa and elsewhere, experts said.

    An article I found about DNA is called New Way of Tracking Cancer uses DNA Changes: US Study. This article explains how US researchers have developed a new way of tracking and fighting cancer, using patient-specific biomarkers from the DNA of individual cancer tumors, a study published Thursday showed. They did this by using genetic sequencing to identify and track patient-specific changes to the DNA in cancerous cells.According to Victor Velculescu, an associate professor of oncology and Co-Director of the Cancer Biology Program at Johns Hopkins, "There is currently no test for cancer patients that provides personalized biomarkers for clinical management of disease, and we feel that this is an important step in bringing new genome sequencing technologies to personalized patient care."

    Block 4

  2. This article that I read is very interesting. What I found to be the most interesting about it is that scientist found Bushmen who spoke different languages had more different DNA than a European compared to an Asian. The part that is weird about this is that Bushmen are the same type and just because they speak different languages they have more different DNA than people form two different countries. The people from Europe and Asia have more closely identical DNA they are saying.


    The article I found was also a very interesting one. It is about scientist using DNA to determine the siblings of mummies. In particular they found that King Tut’s parents were siblings. They think that his wife was his sister or half sister. Royal family’s in this time period thought that is was a better thing to stay close but it actually was not. Although only partial DNA was recovered from the mummy’s fetuses, they are still unsure whether or not they were Tut’s offspring or just ceremonial offerings.

    Block 4

  3. In the article provided by Malcolm Ritter, it stated how the diversity among people on the African continent was much higher that it was previously thought to be. The part about this article that I found most interesting was how in bushmen who lived within walking distance of each other, there DNA makeup was more diverse than a European and an Asian. To some scientist the diversity was no surprise because people have lived on the African continent longer than anywhere else and had to adapt to changing environments.

    The articleI found is about genetic engineering. In the article it talks about how you can manipulate an organism’s gene to get better result or exactly what you want. Examples include improving crop technology, and the manufacture of synthetic human insulin through the use of modified bacteria.

    SC Yellow

  4. This article from the Associated Press talks about how scientists have found new evidence of the genetic evidence in Africa. They found some interesting facts about the genetic ancestry of
    Archbishop Desmond Tutu. One fact that found to be really interesting was that the study that the scientists did found 1.3 million tiny variations that hadn't been observed before in any human DNA. This could help scientists figure out what genes cause diseases and influence a person's response to medications.

    The article that I found here talks about how there was a breakthrough in cancer studies after using novel technology to reveal the different genetic patterns of neuroblastoma, that is an aggressive form of childhood cancer. Two research teams led by professors Tommy Martinsson, of the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Per Kogner of Karolinska Institutet monitored children with neuroblastoma, a nerve cell cancer that has defects in certain chromosomes, for over 20 years. The scientists found that the children who develop this type of neuroblastoma are twice as old at the onset of the disease as children who develop other types of neuroblastoma. Boffins were able to successfully analyze the DNA of tumor cells and identify chromosomal defects with the use of latest genetic techniques, enabling the identification of sub-groups of the most aggressive neuroblastomas.

  5. Above Comment Posted By DY

  6. Scientists have recently found that people from southern Africa have a different genetic code from anyone else in Africa and have also found more information to the ancestry of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. They found that two Bushman, which speak different languages were different genetically then European’s compared to an Asian. Right now the scientists are currently trying to get to southern Africa to research this more thoroughly.
    Scientists have found that proteins can help repair DNA.If DNA is damaged then it must be repaired properly or it may cause cancer or other problems. And to repair DNA they use proteins that recognize the damage and then fix the distortion of the DNA by bending the DNA and separating the strands of the double helix.

  7. I read in the article Archbishop Tutu's DNA helps show African diversity, that scientist studied the DNA of an ancestor of Archbishop Desmond Tutu in South Africa. A piece of information that I found very interesting was that the study found over 1.3 million tiny variations in the DNA they tested. Also that there was little DNA differences in the DNA of people that are miles away compared to the people that are waling distance away in Africa. These new discoveries made it easier to understanding of the continent's diversity.

    I read the article Gene test can identify bits of cancer in blood . It talks about how just from testing the DNA of cancerous cells you can identify the genetic signature of the tumor. When testing the blood they look for those genetic signatures, this procedure could help doctors find the tumor before it gets to big.


  8. Scientists have found that there is a bigger difference between two Africans than there is between a European and an Asian. They have also found that Africa is where the most genetic differences took place. Scientists have found that the ancestry of Tutu's (one of the Africans) contains evidence of at least one Bushman woman.

    PB red
