Monday, December 7, 2009

The Brain

The brains is often described as the most complex thing in the universe. And we still have a lot to learn about it. This article is about the way we may learn to process certain types of information.

For this project you should start by reading this article that discusses how brains develop different abilities as they mature. Then write a paragraph that summarized the article. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Then you should find and link to an article about the brain. This could be any information about the brain or any system of control in an organism. In talking about the brain it can be from its anatomy to the way it works to the changes in development of a single individual or how it has changed in hominids over millions of years.

Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. Again, paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 12/27. Remember that you need to do either this or the previous project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit. If you did not do the previous article you must do this one.

If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Unlocking secrets

Among 22 ancient Egyptian mummies who received full-body computed tomography scans, 16 had hearts or arteries preserved enough to study.

Modern scientists have a vast array of tools to examine the world around them. Using CT scans to check medical conditions can give lots of information, not only about the individuals, but the history of man's condition.

For this project you should start by reading this article that discusses a study of ancient Egyptian mummies. Then write a paragraph that summarized the article. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Then you should find and link to an article about one of the following:
1. The study of any body system or disease, current or historical.
2. The use of modern technology to discover information about the body.
3. Information about a body system, like: digestive, excretory, circulatory, musculoskeletal, nervous or endocrine.

Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. Again, paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 12/13. Remember that you need to do either this or the previous project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit. If you did not do the previous article you must do this article.

If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Scientific Discoveries

Many scientists have made discoveries that have contributed to our vast knowledge, in all fields. This is an article about a scientist that recently died, that contributed to the field of biology.

For this project you will have to read an article about the contributions of a scientist. In this project you will not all read the article I provide. You should read the article that a previous student posted (except the first poster, who will look at my article.) Then write a paragraph that summarizes the article. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences. If there is a problem with a link, you may select an earlier student post.

Next you should find and link to an article about a different scientist that made a discovery important to the field of biology.

Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. Again, paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 11/22. Remember that you need at least one project of either this or the next one posted. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit. If you want to get extra credit you must do this article.

If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at Make sure that you tell me what your problem was, and you can include your completed project.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nuclear Membrane

For this project you should start by reading this article that describes some properties of the nuclear membrane. The nucleus is one of the organelles in eukaryotic cells. Then write a paragraph that summarized the article. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Finally you should find and link to an article about one of the following:
1. The differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. or
2. Any one of the cell organelles. or
3. Types of transport in cells.

Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. Again, paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 11/8. Remember that you need to do either this or the previous project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit. If you did not do the previous article you must do this article.

If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10/13/09 Environmental Change Drives Evolutionary Change

Sex In The Caribbean: Environmental Change Drives Evolutionary Change, Eventually

For this project you should start by reading this article that describes some changes in organisms to geological stresses. Then write a paragraph that summarized the article. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Finally you should find and link to an article about one of the following:
1. Some process that drove evolutionary changes.
2. The ways organisms reproduce themselves.
3. Some details about any of the organisms mentioned in the article.

Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. Again, paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 10/25. Remember that you need to do either this or the next project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit. If you want extra credit you must do this article.

If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at

Friday, September 25, 2009

5 New Feathered Dinosaurs

Origin of birds confirmed by exceptional new dinosaur fossils

For this project you should start by reading this article that describes some finds of fossils that add to the wealth of information about early birds. Then write a paragraph that summarized the article. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Finally you should link to an article about any other topic related to evidence of past organisms. There are many examples of where new finds filled in information that scientists had been looking for. Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. Again, paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 10/11. If you did not do the last project you are required to do this one. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit. If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at

Monday, September 14, 2009

Extinct New Zealand eagle may have eaten humans

Many organisms have gone extinct, for many different reasons. This article discussed an eagle, the largest eagle ever known to exist. What caused it to go extinct? Read the article and find out what the leading theories are.

For this project you should start by reading this article that discusses the Haast's eagle became extinct about 500 years ago. Then write a paragraph that summarized the article. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Finally you should link to an article about any other topic related to evolution. It can be about other organisms extinctions or continued existence over long tracts of time. It could be about how conditions led to extinctions of specific species. It could be about different types of evidence for evolution. Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. Again, paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 9/27. Remember, you are required to do either this project or the one that will come next. If you do both, one will count for extra credit. If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at
Link to site where I found above pic.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Save the Planet

People use lots of resources. Some say we use a lot more than we should. That a lot of what we use is waste. For this project I want us to figure out ways to cut down on the resources we use. Now, I'm not saying we should do without, but there are probably ways we can save.

To get credit for this project you should find and post a link that discusses the ways we use resources or ways that we can conserve. You then should write a well constructed paragraph (minimum of three sentences) describing what the link is about. Try to make it interesting so that others will want to look at the link. Then you have to list 5 ways that you can cut down on the resources that you use. DO NOT REPEAT WAYS THAT PREVIOUS PEOPLE HAVE LISTED!!! You will have to look at their ideas, because you will not get credit if other people have already put up that idea.

An I am listing:
1. use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs.
2. Turn off the water when not using.
3. Turn off electrical appliances when not using them.
4. Turn the thermostat down in the winter and up in the summer.
5. Recycle household products.

Be creative. These do not have to be major things, remember, every little thing adds up. And try to pick things that you could actually do.

Since this is the last project of the year, you will have until midnight of June 15, the last day of classes, to complete. 15 points for this project.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Really, you saw what?

Scientists have to monitor what is going on in many different ways. And to this end they have developed many ways to do this. Sometimes they will go into the field, keep track of records or even into space, to see what is happening on Earth.

For this project you should start by reading this article that discusses one way scientists track penguin colony populations. Then write a paragraph about how you think this technology might be used to track some other occurrences on our planet. Finally you should link to an article about a way that other scientists use another method to track what is happening here. This could be chemical monitoring, direct observation, or any other method. This can be monitoring populations, wind or water conditions, geological resources or any other phenomenon. Finally write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article.

Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 6/7.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


How do people choose mates? Is it looks, intelligence, sense of humor? Many people will say one or a combination, but it might be something else.

Start out by reading this article.

To earn extra credit, first, answer these questions:
1. What was the factor these researchers found that people chose for?

2. What do you think that another factor, to choose mates, might be a good one? Explain your reasoning.

3. What other genetic advantages do you think might be seen as ways to "improve" the species?

Finally, design a personals add (this is fictitious, not any personal information) that could be used to advertise for a genetically advantageous mate. You may include a link to a picture of a person that symbolizes these characteristics (this would be a place to have a little fun. Be sure not to include any real pictures of anyone at our school.)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New species discovered.

It seems that scientists are continually finding new species.

This link shows photos and a short article found in a rain forest , in a cave, and some in Antarctica. You can even find the top 10 of 2007.

For this project you have to find a site with information about the discovery of new species. You can take a look at any of the sites linked to in this entry, but your project must include a link to a reference that you found.

This does not have to be living species, it could be about a new fossil species. Find a site and link to it. Then you have to write two paragraphs (each paragraph should be at least 3 well constructed sentences) about the discovery. You can include information about how this adds information, fills in gaps in understanding or simply expands the database of known species. Or you could just discuss two or more of the species found.

This project will be due by midnight on Sunday 5/24.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Environmental Cleanups

Through its manufacturing many of the world's industries have contaminated the land around them. When technology "caught up" many of the contaminated sites were recognized and the governments either forced businesses to clean up or underwent cleanups themselves.

The Hudson River is the largest federal Superfund site in the US, prompting the largest cleanup project in history. The Love Canal was another site, in New York State, that had been declared toxic.

For this project you should do some research on the industrial cleanup projects or the ways that toxic contamination is being prevented. You can start by readind either or both of the links in the above paragraph. Then you must find a site that discusses these issues. You may chose information provided by the environmentalists or the businesses or citizens groups. You should link
to this site and write 2 paragraphs (each paragraph should be at least 3 well constructed sentences) about the site you have chosen, in a way that allows the reader to get the main points of the source.

For this project you may receive 3 additional bonus points for adding an additional link and writing an additional paragraph (same guidelines) from a source with a differing viewpoint on that particular issue. This would give you a 15 score for this project.

This project is due by midnight, Friday 5/15.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


There has been a lot of news lately about the possible pandemic of the “swine flu” (type A H1N1) that started in Mexico.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a pandemic can start when three conditions have been met:

  • Emergence of a disease new to a population.
  • Agents infect humans, causing serious illness.
  • Agents spread easily and sustainably among humans.

A disease or condition is not a pandemic merely because it is widespread or kills many people; it must also be infectious. For instance, cancer is responsible for many deaths but is not considered a pandemic, because the disease is not infectious or contagious.

You must find and link to an article or web page or video about something to do with one of the following:

· What is the flu and why is it dangerous?

· A description of a pandemic or epidemic, from the past. (There have been many interesting ones.)

· Methods used to trace the progression of a disease outbreak.

· Methods used to fight the spread of a disease.

Finally you must write 2 paragraphs (each paragraph should be at least 3 well constructed sentences) about the site you have chosen, in a way that allows the reader to get the main points of the source.

This project is due by midnight, Friday 5/8.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Puijila Darwini - 'Missing Link' In Evolution Of Seals, Sea Lions And Walruses

In 1859, when Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species was first published, the fossil record was poorly known, and Darwin described the lack of transitional fossils as "the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory", but explained it by the extreme imperfection of the geological record.[1] He noted the limited collections available at that time, but described the available information as showing patterns which followed from his theory of descent with modification through natural selection.[2][3] Indeed, Archaeopteryx was discovered just two years later, in 1861, and represents a classic transitional form between dinosaurs and birds.[3]

Many more transitional fossils have been discovered since then and it is now considered that there is abundant evidence of how all the major groups of animals are related, much of it in the form of transitional fossils.[3]

Researchers from the United States and Canada have found a fossil skeleton of a newly discovered carnivorous animal, Puijila darwini. New research suggests Puijila is a "missing link" in the evolution of the group that today includes seals, sea lions, and the walrus.

For this project do one of the following:

Read one of these articles about the Puijila: Article 1, article 2

Or watch this video

Then you must find and link to an article or web page or video about something to do with fossil records, especially fossil records that fill in gaps, like these transitional fossils.

Finally you must write 2 paragraphs (each paragraph should be at least 3 well constructed sentences) about the site you have chosen and its importance in the advancement of science.

This project is due by midnight, Friday 5/1.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tons of released drugs taint US water

Every day manufacturing processes cause waste to be released into out environment. The effect of pharmaceutical waste can also effect the organisms in the region in greater ways than mere trash.

For this assignment you should read the article. Summarize the information in a minimum of three sentences. Then find another source, a web site, video, article, etc. about man's effect on the environment or the effect our influence has on the organisms, and link to that and summarize or comment on the information in a minimum of four sentences. Your source and comments could be about the actual effect or your feelings about these effects. Topics may range from global warming to dumping to deforestation to expanding populations.

This project is due by midnight 4/24/09

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Genetic Engineering and Virus Batteries

Scientists are doing all kinds of things with the new tools of genetic engineering. The ability to chenge the genetic code, to make an organism tht does what you want it to do, is no longer science fiction. And since biological organisms have been trying different things for billions of years, they have figured out some very efficient ways to get some things done.

This video about creating viruses to make batteries shows a new approach to the energy problem. Additional information is available at this site.

For this project you should watch the video. Then you need to find and point to a link that discusses one of the following aspects:

DNA analysis
Genetic engineering
Should we be messing with viruses? Isn't this dangerous?

Then, discuss in at least 6 sentences, the information covered in the site you have selected.

This extra credit project is due by midnight Friday, 4/17. Instead of 12 points, this project is worth 15 points, for a 150% HW/Quiz grade.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bonobo chimps: Our Closest Relatives.

The Bonobo is a separate chimpanzee species. They are considered, by some, to be an even closer relative to man than the other chimpanzees. They are a highly endangered species, meaning that there are very few left an we are continuing to put pressure on their populations.

Watch this video about the Bonobos and comment (at lease two sentences) on the content of the video. Then you should find a link and write (at least three sentences) about the link you have posted. The link could be about:
How scientists determine how closely a species is related to us.
How to protect endangered species.
Should we care about other species, endangered or not?
Evolutionary descendancy (family tree) of primates.

As always, you have until midnight Friday (April 10) to complete this project for credit.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is there a Difference Between the Sexes?

The discussions of whether there are any real differences between the sexes has gone on for many generations. Now, scientific investigation is beginning to show that there are real differences between the ways that the brains of the different sexes work.

This is a site with a video that details the differences in brain studies between the sexes.

For this project you should first look at the video. Then you will have to find other sites or articles that discuss how the sexes are different or similar. You should link to your site. Then discuss in one or two paragraphs (at least 6 sentences) what the article discusses and what you think this means for the way we must deal with these differences and still treat all people equally.

This project is due by midnight, Friday, April 3.

Friday, March 20, 2009

What can we really know about fossils?

Fossil sea monster's bite makes T-Rex look feeble

"Predator X" was a pliosaur (click on this link for more info on the pliosaur), that lived between 200 million and 65 million years ago. It was the top predator of the marine environment.

The article that you should read discusses the bite strength of the pliosaur. For this extra credit project you should read and discuss in at least two sentences what the article is about. Then your job is to discover how they find out things about dinosaurs and other fossils. Some topics for discussion are below, but there are many things that "they" tell us about extinct species that cause me to wonder, "how could they know that"?

Provide a link to an article or site about how they find things about fossil species. Then summarize that information in a minimum of three sentences.

Possible topics for discussion:
-How do they decide how strong the bite was? Do you think this is a good method?
-How do they decide what the pliosaur, or any other ancient species, ate?
-How do they decide about social aspects of the creatures?
-In the movie, "Jurassic Park," the scientist says that the T-Rex could only see things that were moving; how could he possibly know that?
-How could they know how old the animals got?
-How could they know about the ancestors or descendants of any particular species?

Pick one of these, or any other area that interests you, that meets the guidelines, and complete it by midnight Friday, March 27 for extra credit.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Stem Cells

Obama to Restore ‘Science Integrity’ as Part of Stem-Cell REsearch

1. Read the above article on the changes the Obama administration is making on the way stem cells are dealt with. Write at least 3 sentences about the way you feel this will impact the science community or affect religious/morality organizations.
2. State, in your own words, what a stem cell is.
3. Find a link to a site or article about the promise of stem cells or the political/religious objections to stem cell research.
4. Write a description (minimum 4 sentences) summarizing your link.

You may feel free to discuss the moral/ethical considerations, however, this is not requires. Please remember this is a school forum and you must use appropriate language and tone.

This will be due by midnight on Friday, March 20.

Friday, March 6, 2009


AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a medical condition. People develop AIDS because HIV has damaged their natural defenses against disease. Someone can become infected with HIV through contact with the bodily fluids of someone who already has HIV.

As recently as the 1970s, no one was aware of this deadly illness. Since then the global AIDS epidemic has become one of the greatest threats to human health and development. By 2007 around 33 million people are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Each year around 2.7 million more people become infected with HIV and 2 million die of AIDS.1

There is still no cure for AIDS, but treatment for people with HIV has improved greatly.

A recent article titled, “Common ingredient offers AIDS protection” brings attention to the varied approaches to combating the spread of AIDS.

Complicating matters, in the public, are the many myths and outright lies about AIDS, what it is, the way it spreads and possible cures.

  1. Find an article or web site that discusses a different scientific approach to the battle against AIDS.
  2. Find an article or web site that discusses the history of the spread of the disease or the medical work done thus far.
  3. Find an article or web site that explores one of the misconceptions about AIDS.

To complete your extra credit you will need to:

  1. Read the article “Common ingredient offers AIDS protection” and write 1-2 sentences about how you feel this may offer help in defeating AIDS.
  2. Link to the source that you have found from one of the three categories above.
  3. Summarize the material in a paragraph, minimum of 3 sentences.
  4. Discuss what you feel scientists should take as a next step or ways to combat the false information you have found.

This Blog project will be due by midnight 3/13.

Reminder: If you have difficulty posting send me an email with your completed project and the message you got when you tried to post.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Blogversation project

This project should feel like a conversation, but it is on line. Just like a real conversation it will work best if you pay attention to what the person before you says, and you comment on that. Conversations should flow, and like a conversation the topics discussed in the postings should change and evolve.

The requirements for postings are given below. Your entries may be opinions, but they must be supported by appropriate links. You may agree or disagree, but you must do so politely.

Topic of discussion: Smoking

Each person should begin by watching one, two or all three of the videos:


Truth Song
Doesn’t Kill You

First: Discuss how effective you feel this type of advertisement might be for a teenager.
This should be at least 2 sentences.

Next: You must also include both of the following:

1.A comment, in a minimum of four sentences, on the content of the prior postings' blog, article, website or video about what the previous person has written (unless you are the first, then you can just start off with a statement about smoking and how it relates to health).

2, A supporting link to a news article, a video a blog or a website related to your opinion.
Be sure to put your initials and section to get the credit.

**Extra Bonus: If you come back and make a second entry to discuss what others have posted (yeah, like a conversation where you say something, someone else says something, and you say something else) I will award 2 extra points, up to 4 additional entries. That means that if you come back and make 4 additional entries you can get a 20 (out of 10) for double score extra credit.

This project is due by midnight on Friday March 6.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To be antibiotic resistant, or not to be?

Antibiotic resistance is becoming a large problem in protecting the public health. There has been a great deal in the news, and we even had a local scare at AP with MRSA.

For this project you will have to:
1. Read this article, about this new approach to dealing with bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Write 2 – 3 sentences about what you think about the article.
2. Find an article about antibiotic resistance that you think is interesting, write 2 – 3 sentences about that article and link to it, so that others can see it if they like.
Make sure that you have your initials and section color.

This project is due by midnight on Friday Feb. 27.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Guidelines for posting on blog

Remember, this is an extension of the classroom. Be polite! No personal attacks. No inappropriate language. Remember that others might not be text savvy so please limit your abbreviations. There is a spell editor in the comment posting box, use it. If an inappropriate posting is made it will be copied, printed and removed. I will then consider disciplinary action of the poster. No credit will be given for that posting.

You may earn extra credit. For each completed project you will earn a grade of 12 on an extra homework or quiz grade. This way, even the best student, can always improve their grade.

Make sure that you complete all parts of the project.

1. Click on the link that says 'Comments.

2. At the bottom of the screen you will see a place to enter your comment.

3. Write whatever you need to in order to complete the written part.

4. If you need to add a link, follow the instructions at this link to embed your URL. If you are supposed to use an article you must use an entire article, not an abstract. An abstract is a paragraph that tells what the article is about.
4a. If there is a link, check it to make sure it is working. If it is not, go back and check the typing. When yu ard sure it works, publish.

5. At the bottom of your post, write your First Name Initial and Last Name Initial (there are a few students that will have to use two initials of either their first or last names. I will tell you who you are.) and the color section you are in (Red, Yellow or Green). Please, no last names.

6. Check the spelling. Proofread. These can be done in the comment box or you can prepare your post in a word processor and cut and paste it when you are finished.

7. Click "Publish Your Comment" to post your entry. Post at anonymous. You may also post with one of the other ID choices.

That's it for an extra credit APHSBioBlog entry!

If you have difficulty posting send me an email with your completed project and the message you got when you tried to post.

Parents and AP community
Feel free to enter our class discussion, but you must identify yourself. If you are shy and don’t want to use your full name, you may write me separately and use initials or a nickname. But I must be able to identify all posters. Sorry you will not get any extra credit for this, but might just stimulate a student.

If there is any need to change the ID guidelines, you will be notified on this site.