Obama to Restore ‘Science Integrity’ as Part of Stem-Cell REsearch
1. Read the above article on the changes the Obama administration is making on the way stem cells are dealt with. Write at least 3 sentences about the way you feel this will impact the science community or affect religious/morality organizations.
2. State, in your own words, what a stem cell is.
3. Find a link to a site or article about the promise of stem cells or the political/religious objections to stem cell research.
4. Write a description (minimum 4 sentences) summarizing your link.
You may feel free to discuss the moral/ethical considerations, however, this is not requires. Please remember this is a school forum and you must use appropriate language and tone.
This will be due by midnight on Friday, March 20.
I think because Barrack Obama is funding stem cell research there will be a large improvement in scientific dicoveries. Morality is a matter of opinion, I dont think that because he wants to research stem cells that makes him have no morality. This could help find cures for diseases and other health improvements that would really benefit the people of this country.
ReplyDeleteA stem cell is a type of cell that can be made into many different types of cells and can be used to repair the body.
Stem Cell Basics
This link provides all the basic information about stem cells. This includes exactly what it is and how they can benfit us. It tells all the different types of cells they can become and how those can be used. This site tells how stem cells would be beneficial to us.
CMad Green
I think this article shows great insight into the many possibilities to cure diseases through stem cell research. There are many ailments that can perhaps be improved or eliminated with the benefit of stem cell research. Adult stem cell research has already proved advantageous in the treatment of some diseases.
ReplyDeleteStems cells are the building blocks of other cells and cells that can assist medical research.
Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research
This link provides both sides of opinion of the pros and cons of stem cell research. Both sides of the issue are explored and basically comes down to a morality issue. Some believe that the destruction of embryos is unethical because they believe that they represent human life, and that it should not be destroyed. Others believe that scientists can learn about human growth and development through stem cell research.
AT Yellow
stem cell research is a process that I support greatly. I think that it is fine to use stem cells from umbilical cords and such but, making embryos just to kill them is going a bit too far. I do think that it awesome that it is helping to cure diseases though. I hope that in the future stem cell research will prove to be as good as it seems.
ReplyDeleteA stem cell is a cell found in fetuses, embryos, and some adult body tissues that can be made or become into different cells.
below is my link that tells about some interesting facts about stem cell research and some myths about it. It was kind of amusing to find out that even though Bush banned all stem cell research, private research on embryonic cell lines continued. It also provides both pros and cons in it. This is good so you can see the full picture of things.
CMe green