To get credit for this project you should find and post a link that discusses the ways we use resources or ways that we can conserve. You then should write a well constructed paragraph (minimum of three sentences) describing what the link is about. Try to make it interesting so that others will want to look at the link. Then you have to list 5 ways that you can cut down on the resources that you use. DO NOT REPEAT WAYS THAT PREVIOUS PEOPLE HAVE LISTED!!! You will have to look at their ideas, because you will not get credit if other people have already put up that idea.
An I am listing:
1. use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs.
2. Turn off the water when not using.
3. Turn off electrical appliances when not using them.
4. Turn the thermostat down in the winter and up in the summer.
5. Recycle household products.
Be creative. These do not have to be major things, remember, every little thing adds up. And try to pick things that you could actually do.
Since this is the last project of the year, you will have until midnight of June 15, the last day of classes, to complete. 15 points for this project.
click here.
ReplyDeleteThis article is basically just about ways that you can conserve resources. There's a list of about 10 really easy ways to do your part. It's all eco friendly things for students to do that won't cost money really. The littlest things can make a huge difference in the long run.
1.) Wash your clothes with only cold water.
2.) Change your air conditioner filter once a month.
3.) Buy reusable water bottles.
4.) Use canvas bags instead of plastic.
5.) Share your newspaper with friends and family to save paper.
AW Yellow
The article that I chose tells the facts about recycling. It says that the more people recycle, the cheaper items would get. A ton of paper uses 17 trees, which is a lot after a while. Recycling also prevents habitat destruction. Which means that there is biodiversity and animals live longer. If you would like to see my article, click here
ReplyDeleteMy list for recycling would be too:
1. Only wash a full load of laundry, not little batches, which saves water.
2. Only drive if you have too. It would save on oil, and you would get your excerise.
3. Compost all of your garbage.
4. Eat leftovers, keep them for another dinner, don't waste.
5. Use glass cups, plates, etc. to save on plastic.
LS Green
ReplyDeleteThe link I found comes from the California Intergrated Waste Management Board and talks about composting food scraps. The California Integrated Waste Management Board promotes zero waste concepts for the state of California by teaming up with local governments and industries to educate the general public. Although it is geared for the state of California, the entire concept of reducing food waste whenever possible applies to everyone.
Composting food scraps can be one of the most important kinds of composting becasue everyone has food scraps from meals or vegetable and fruit wastes as well as coffee grounds or spoiled food from the refrigerator. It seems as if enormous amounts of food wastes are produced in every home. It has been estimated that about one half of all food that is produced or consumed in the U.S. is disgarded and that figure does not take into account food wastes from restaurants and businness such as supermarkets.
Food wastes make up almost one th of a homes garbage. If we were to eliminate even a small percentage of this waste, precious landfill space could be saved. In additon, the finished compost product can be used in your own garden as a natural fertilizer which is a much better alternative than chemical fertilizers.
Ways to Reduce/Reuse/Recycle:
1. Composting
2. Reuse paper-such as shredded paper for packaging
3. Use newspapers as gift wrap
4. Give plant cuttings to your friends and neighbors
5. Use kitty littler to clean up oil spills.
AT Yellow
Click Here.
ReplyDeleteThe link i found is about 7 ways that would help everyone conserve energy. It also gives you tips on saving money. The article gives you quick tips like watch how you shop, and change a light bulb, and then goes into a simple paragraph or two explaining in detail what they mean by that and they include examples of how to.
1. Donate old cell phones for reuse
2. Buy in bulk- less packages for individual items
3. Use cloth napkins rather than paper
4. Keep your hair short- less shampoo needed
5. Set computers and phones to a lighter brightness- less energy
HV yellow
Click Here
ReplyDeleteThis link is a website i found about differnt ways to save energy. All the things that are in my list i found on this site. There are also many other intersting ways to save enegy on this site.
1) Don't keep the refrigerator door open any longer than you need to.
2) Use rechargeable batteries.
3) Re-use grocery bags
4) Use a push mower instead of a tractor
5) Use a rake instead of a leaf blower