Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Type of Vaccine

Scientists are always trying to make things better. This article is about a possible new method of producing vaccines.

For this project, first you need to read the article. Identify one aspect that you found interesting and write a paragraph describing that

Then find an article about how vaccines work or how the bodies immunity works and link to that article and write a paragraph summarizing the material in that article. Again, paragraphs always should be at least three well constructed sentences.

Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 2/21. Remember that you need to do either this or the next project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit.

Spelling counts. Please do your project in a word processor and then cut and paste it into the comment box. Sloppy work really doesn't save you time, and it there are glaring spelling errors you will lose credit.

If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at


  1. This article is called "Researchers Apply DNA Biology to Vaccination Technique" and is about spraying viral genes directly through the skin as a new technique that turns infinitesimal amounts of DNA into an effective vaccine. This method could save lives in case of a flu pandemic, by skipping the current, time-consuming production of vaccines in chicken eggs. One thing I found interesting about this article is that researchers and scientists only need a few genes from the DNA of the flu virus to make a vaccine and how microscopic particles are coated with the vaccine then put into the body to prevent from that specific disease.

    In an article from called "Immune System 'Memory' Gets a Boost in Mouse Study" explains how enhanced vaccines could offer better protection in future according to researchers. This article explains that once an animal is exposed to a virus, the immune system may be able to remember it and know what to do the next time it comes around. Viral vaccines take advantage of this mechanism by exposing the body to a germ, therefore priming the immune system to be ready for future exposures. So, according to scientists, they can now boost the immune system's "memory" in mice, raising the prospect that future research could pave the way for more effective vaccines. According to the researchers, The protein appears to dampen the immune system, but blocking it seems to have the opposite effect.


  2. This article is very interesting. I never realized how long it actually took to make a flu vaccine. It takes up to six months to a whole year to make one. Another thing that I found to be interesting is the new way they are planning on giving them to people. The new DNA flu vaccine is going to be shot into us at super fast speeds rather than injecting it with a needle.

    How do vaccines work

    When you get a vaccine you are injecting a weakened or killed part of the infection. This is why you don’t get sicker when you get one. Once you get the vaccination, your body reacts to it by making antibodies-they are your body’s defender and fight off foreign substances. The vaccination is a safe way of exposing your body to the disease so that the next time your body comes in contact with it; antibodies can be made to fight it off.

    Block 4

  3. London has just come up with a new kind of vaccine that protects against deadly outbreaks. They take flu virus DNA and make the vaccine that way instead of making it with chicken eggs so it can be manufactured way more quickly in case of an outbreak. They take a little bit of the genes from the DNA then they put little particles coated w/ vaccine and put it into the body very fast w/ little needles.

    The immune system is the part in your body that fight’s off infections the cells in the immune system can engulf the bacteria and kill it and the cells depend on the signals. Click Here
    vrm red.

  4. This article, provided by Science Daily, tells about the flu vaccine and it’s lacking existence. It is feared that if there is a serious flu outbreak for any reason, then there will not be enough of the vaccine to give it to people who need it or want it. What is even more interesting is the fact that the flu vaccine has been produced since the middle of the 1950’s, and the process in creating it is still taking six months to a year. One would think that after almost sixty years, scientists would have invented a better, more efficient way to create the vaccine.

    This article, called “How Vaccines Prevent Disease” gives a clear explanation about the roles vaccines play and the immunity they give people from diseases. It is said in this article that it is better to prevent a disease than to get it and rid of it, since acquiring a disease can be costly and sometimes life threatening. Vaccines contain the weakened or damaged antigens of a disease that are not strong enough to provoke symptoms in a patient, but are enough to cause the body to create antibodies against disease. Since the immune system has a “memory” of infections and diseases, when the body does come in contact with these diseases, it is ready to defend itself.

    Block 4

  5. I found it itresting how many people are hamred by so many different flu's. I did not know getting the flu was deadly and how many poeple actually did die from it. It seems like a very long and complicaed process makeing vacines for the flu but this new method will have a good impact.

    This article tells how the bodys immune system works. When unknown subsatnces get in the body the body reconizes it. Then annitgens are prodiced following by antibodies. Then they put a certain mark on the unknown bacteria or virus to rmember it and fights it off everytime it tries to enter the body again.

    KF RED

  6. Scientists have found a way to prevent deadly flu outbreaks quicker. They did this by taking a few genes from the flu viruses DNA. Then coated it with the vaccine and put into the body without using needles.

    Vaccines work bygiving the body information on which diseases to fight off and to remember which disease is harmful to the body to prevent the body from being affected by that disease in the future. The vaccine does this by creating enough antigens for the body to recognize them and giving the body the information that is needed. Then the body completes the immune system process

  7. In the article provided, it discusses how you can take infinitesimal amounts of DNA and turn them into an effective vaccine. The part about this article that I found most interesting was the amount of times it took to make conventional flu vaccines. The conventional method that was introduced in the 1950’s would take to long to develop vaccine and would put to many human lives at risk to make the amount of vaccines needed.

    The article I found by was about how vaccines work in the human body. Vaccines produce the same effect without making the patient suffer through the disease. By introducing a disease into the bloodstream, B-cells are stimulated into action, creating antibodies and a memory record of the pathogen, resulting in immunity. Vaccines are safe when entered into the bloodstream because the potentiality has been severely reduced.

    SC Yellow

  8. Scientists have found a way to prevent deadly flu outbreaks quicker. They did this by taking a few genes from the flu viruses DNA. Then coated it with the vaccine and put into the body without using needles.

    Vaccines work bygiving the body information on which diseases to fight off and to remember which disease is harmful to the body to prevent the body from being affected by that disease in the future. The vaccine does this by creating enough antigens for the body to recognize them and giving the body the information that is needed. Then the body completes the immune system process.


  9. I was surprised by several things in the article on Faster Flu Vaccine. I did not know how long it took to make the Flu vaccine and how much time and effort goes into making the vaccine. I also did not know how they made the vaccine. I found out that they create the flu vaccine inside of chicken eggs and that it takes 6 months to a year to make the vaccine. Based on this, if the United States of America was hit with a wide spread flu epidemic we would not have enough flu vaccine to vaccinate all of the people who need it. The most interesting part of the article and the part I liked the best was the new vaccine doesn’t’ use a needle to put the flu vaccine in to your body. It just gets pushed into your skin at a high speed, sending micro size pieces of the flu in to your body with no needles involved. They are in the process of making a new flu vaccine that is made 10 times faster than the one that we use now. I think that this new flu vaccine and new no needle thing sound great!

    The article I found, How Do Vaccines Work? explained all about vaccines. A vaccine is an inactive or dead infectious disease that is put into our body in a small amount. It triggers our body’s defense mechanism. This helps build up our body’s immune system. The immune system remembers the disease and fights the disease off and kills it. The body also has to be aware of other diseases that cannot be fought off with vaccines like the AIDS virus. Some vaccines do not last forever like the flu vaccine. Since the disease is always changing, doctors recommend getting the flu vaccine every year. Other diseases rarely change so the vaccines are long lasting like the booster shots you get that when you are very young.

    KS- Red 1

  10. Scientist have found a new and faster way to stop an epidemic of the flue. This is a good thing because if we have another out brake like the swine flue it can be stopped quicker and more efficient.
    the article was about how the vaccine has come a far way from the beginning. Also it talks about how the basic science behind how they prevent illness and the diseases they keep.

