To get credit for this project you should find and post a link that discusses the ways we use resources or ways that we can conserve. You then should write a well constructed paragraph (minimum of three sentences) describing what the link is about. Try to make it interesting so that others will want to look at the link. Then you have to list 5 ways that you can cut down on the resources that you use. DO NOT REPEAT WAYS THAT PREVIOUS PEOPLE HAVE LISTED!!! You will have to look at their ideas, because you will not get credit if other people have already put up that idea.
An I am listing:
1. use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs.
2. Turn off the water when not using.
3. Turn off electrical appliances when not using them.
4. Turn the thermostat down in the winter and up in the summer.
5. Recycle household products.
Be creative. These do not have to be major things, remember, every little thing adds up. And try to pick things that you could actually do.
Since this is the last project of the year, you will have until midnight of June 15, the last day of classes, to complete. 15 points for this project.