The 21st century has been a busy year for advances in science and technology. This article explores what the author considers to be the top ten of these.
For this project you are to read the article and write a paragraph about one of the three biology related subjects listed below. Paragraphs should be at least three well constructed sentences.
1. DNA, Genomes, and Stem Cells
8. Vaccines and Emerging Infections
10. The Expanding Understanding of Human Ancestry
Next you should find another article about that topic, link to that article and write a well constructed 3 sentence paragraph about the information contained in your article. These are to be primary source articles and you may not use encyclopedias, like Wikipedia. While Wikipedia is a great resource for information, it relies on other sources for its information. You may use the references section to find the articles that they used to gather the information.
Make sure you put your ID and class section on your work. This project is due by midnight Sunday, 5/2. Remember that you need to do either this or the previous project. If you do both projects one will count for extra credit.
Spelling counts. Please do your project in a word processor and then cut and paste it into the comment box. Sloppy work really doesn't save you time, and it there are glaring spelling errors you will lose credit.
If you have problems, email me at aphsbio at Please tell me exactly what your problem was including any error messages.