Tuesday, May 26, 2009


How do people choose mates? Is it looks, intelligence, sense of humor? Many people will say one or a combination, but it might be something else.

Start out by reading this article.

To earn extra credit, first, answer these questions:
1. What was the factor these researchers found that people chose for?

2. What do you think that another factor, to choose mates, might be a good one? Explain your reasoning.

3. What other genetic advantages do you think might be seen as ways to "improve" the species?

Finally, design a personals add (this is fictitious, not any personal information) that could be used to advertise for a genetically advantageous mate. You may include a link to a picture of a person that symbolizes these characteristics (this would be a place to have a little fun. Be sure not to include any real pictures of anyone at our school.)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New species discovered.

It seems that scientists are continually finding new species.

This link shows photos and a short article found in a rain forest , in a cave, and some in Antarctica. You can even find the top 10 of 2007.

For this project you have to find a site with information about the discovery of new species. You can take a look at any of the sites linked to in this entry, but your project must include a link to a reference that you found.

This does not have to be living species, it could be about a new fossil species. Find a site and link to it. Then you have to write two paragraphs (each paragraph should be at least 3 well constructed sentences) about the discovery. You can include information about how this adds information, fills in gaps in understanding or simply expands the database of known species. Or you could just discuss two or more of the species found.

This project will be due by midnight on Sunday 5/24.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Environmental Cleanups

Through its manufacturing many of the world's industries have contaminated the land around them. When technology "caught up" many of the contaminated sites were recognized and the governments either forced businesses to clean up or underwent cleanups themselves.

The Hudson River is the largest federal Superfund site in the US, prompting the largest cleanup project in history. The Love Canal was another site, in New York State, that had been declared toxic.

For this project you should do some research on the industrial cleanup projects or the ways that toxic contamination is being prevented. You can start by readind either or both of the links in the above paragraph. Then you must find a site that discusses these issues. You may chose information provided by the environmentalists or the businesses or citizens groups. You should link
to this site and write 2 paragraphs (each paragraph should be at least 3 well constructed sentences) about the site you have chosen, in a way that allows the reader to get the main points of the source.

For this project you may receive 3 additional bonus points for adding an additional link and writing an additional paragraph (same guidelines) from a source with a differing viewpoint on that particular issue. This would give you a 15 score for this project.

This project is due by midnight, Friday 5/15.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


There has been a lot of news lately about the possible pandemic of the “swine flu” (type A H1N1) that started in Mexico.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a pandemic can start when three conditions have been met:

  • Emergence of a disease new to a population.
  • Agents infect humans, causing serious illness.
  • Agents spread easily and sustainably among humans.

A disease or condition is not a pandemic merely because it is widespread or kills many people; it must also be infectious. For instance, cancer is responsible for many deaths but is not considered a pandemic, because the disease is not infectious or contagious.

You must find and link to an article or web page or video about something to do with one of the following:

· What is the flu and why is it dangerous?

· A description of a pandemic or epidemic, from the past. (There have been many interesting ones.)

· Methods used to trace the progression of a disease outbreak.

· Methods used to fight the spread of a disease.

Finally you must write 2 paragraphs (each paragraph should be at least 3 well constructed sentences) about the site you have chosen, in a way that allows the reader to get the main points of the source.

This project is due by midnight, Friday 5/8.