Friday, February 27, 2009

Blogversation project

This project should feel like a conversation, but it is on line. Just like a real conversation it will work best if you pay attention to what the person before you says, and you comment on that. Conversations should flow, and like a conversation the topics discussed in the postings should change and evolve.

The requirements for postings are given below. Your entries may be opinions, but they must be supported by appropriate links. You may agree or disagree, but you must do so politely.

Topic of discussion: Smoking

Each person should begin by watching one, two or all three of the videos:


Truth Song
Doesn’t Kill You

First: Discuss how effective you feel this type of advertisement might be for a teenager.
This should be at least 2 sentences.

Next: You must also include both of the following:

1.A comment, in a minimum of four sentences, on the content of the prior postings' blog, article, website or video about what the previous person has written (unless you are the first, then you can just start off with a statement about smoking and how it relates to health).

2, A supporting link to a news article, a video a blog or a website related to your opinion.
Be sure to put your initials and section to get the credit.

**Extra Bonus: If you come back and make a second entry to discuss what others have posted (yeah, like a conversation where you say something, someone else says something, and you say something else) I will award 2 extra points, up to 4 additional entries. That means that if you come back and make 4 additional entries you can get a 20 (out of 10) for double score extra credit.

This project is due by midnight on Friday March 6.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To be antibiotic resistant, or not to be?

Antibiotic resistance is becoming a large problem in protecting the public health. There has been a great deal in the news, and we even had a local scare at AP with MRSA.

For this project you will have to:
1. Read this article, about this new approach to dealing with bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Write 2 – 3 sentences about what you think about the article.
2. Find an article about antibiotic resistance that you think is interesting, write 2 – 3 sentences about that article and link to it, so that others can see it if they like.
Make sure that you have your initials and section color.

This project is due by midnight on Friday Feb. 27.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Guidelines for posting on blog

Remember, this is an extension of the classroom. Be polite! No personal attacks. No inappropriate language. Remember that others might not be text savvy so please limit your abbreviations. There is a spell editor in the comment posting box, use it. If an inappropriate posting is made it will be copied, printed and removed. I will then consider disciplinary action of the poster. No credit will be given for that posting.

You may earn extra credit. For each completed project you will earn a grade of 12 on an extra homework or quiz grade. This way, even the best student, can always improve their grade.

Make sure that you complete all parts of the project.

1. Click on the link that says 'Comments.

2. At the bottom of the screen you will see a place to enter your comment.

3. Write whatever you need to in order to complete the written part.

4. If you need to add a link, follow the instructions at this link to embed your URL. If you are supposed to use an article you must use an entire article, not an abstract. An abstract is a paragraph that tells what the article is about.
4a. If there is a link, check it to make sure it is working. If it is not, go back and check the typing. When yu ard sure it works, publish.

5. At the bottom of your post, write your First Name Initial and Last Name Initial (there are a few students that will have to use two initials of either their first or last names. I will tell you who you are.) and the color section you are in (Red, Yellow or Green). Please, no last names.

6. Check the spelling. Proofread. These can be done in the comment box or you can prepare your post in a word processor and cut and paste it when you are finished.

7. Click "Publish Your Comment" to post your entry. Post at anonymous. You may also post with one of the other ID choices.

That's it for an extra credit APHSBioBlog entry!

If you have difficulty posting send me an email with your completed project and the message you got when you tried to post.

Parents and AP community
Feel free to enter our class discussion, but you must identify yourself. If you are shy and don’t want to use your full name, you may write me separately and use initials or a nickname. But I must be able to identify all posters. Sorry you will not get any extra credit for this, but might just stimulate a student.

If there is any need to change the ID guidelines, you will be notified on this site.